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Watch the 2024 AGM - Skyliine Clean Energy Fund video

[00:00:15] Wayne Byrd:

Good morning, and welcome to the Annual General Meeting of Unitholders of Skyline Clean Energy Fund, hereinafter referenced as “the Fund.” I am Wayne Byrd, Chief Financial Officer for Skyline Group of Companies and the Fund. It is my pleasure to welcome you here today for this meeting and to introduce Mr. Jason Castellan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer for Skyline Group of Companies and Chairman of the Fund’s Board of Trustees.

[00:00:41] Jason Castellan:

Thank you, Wayne, and welcome, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. We’re excited to be hosting our virtual meeting, which allows us to be more inclusive and reach a greater number of our Unitholders.

In keeping with the digital approach to this year’s meeting, it is now 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on June 11, 2024, and this meeting is officially called to order. And now I would like to introduce the other members of the Board: Wayne Byrd, who you heard earlier, is Chief Financial Officer for Skyline Group of companies, who has served as one of our Trustees since the Fund’s inception in 2018. Deborah Whale, who has served as one of our Trustees since 2019. Brennan Carson, who has served as one of our Board Trustees since April 2024.

We are also joined here today by our independent auditors, RLB LLP. And finally, the Fund has appointed Broadridge Financial Services Inc. to act as Scrutineer and who is managing our electronic elections process.

The Board of Trustees fixed April 30, 2024, as record date for determining Unitholders entitled to vote at this meeting, and an affidavit has been delivered attesting to the fact that either 1) a Notice of Internet availability of the notice of the meeting, the proxy statement, and the 2023 Annual Report to Unitholders; or 2) the documents themselves; were emailed out on or about May 16, 2024, to all Unitholders as of the record date, and will be incorporated into the minutes of this meeting. The Unitholder list shows that as of the record date, there were 12,661,889 Units outstanding and entitled to vote [at] this meeting.

We have received the preliminary Scrutineer’s report, and based on that report, there are represented in person or by proxy trust, Units representing more than 10% of the voting power of all issued and outstanding Units entitled to vote on the record date. Therefore, a quorum is present for the purposes of this transaction and transacting business.

Now, I will present the matters to be voted upon. Proposal one is the election of the independent Trustees for election as Trustees to hold office until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Unitholders, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Can I have a motion to elect the presented slate of independent Trustees?

[00:03:11] Wayne Byrd:

I, Wayne Byrd, as a fellow Unitholder, move to elect Deborah Whale and Brennan Carson as Trustees of the Fund until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Unitholders.

[00:03:21] Jason Castellan:

Can I have a seconder?

[00:03:22] Rob Stein:

I, Rob Stein, a fellow Unitholder, second the motion.

[00:03:26] Jason Castellan:

Thank you. Proposal two is the reappointment of RLB LLP as auditors of the Fund. Can I have a motion to reappoint RLB LLP as independent auditors of the Fund?

[00:03:38] Wayne Byrd:

I, Wayne Byrd, as a fellow Unitholder, move to reappointment of RLB LLP as auditors of the Fund.

[00:03:45] Jason Castellan:

Can I have a seconder?

[00:03:46] Rob Stein:

I, Rob Stein, a fellow Unitholder, second the motion.

[00:03:50] Jason Castellan:

Thank you. It is now 10:33 [a.m.] Eastern Time on June 11, 2024, and the polls are now open for voting on the previously mentioned proposals.

Any Unitholder who hasn’t yet voted or wishes to change their vote may do so by clicking on the “Vote Here” button on the web portal and following the instructions there. You must click “Submit” for your vote to be counted. Unitholders who have sent in proxies, or voted via telephone or the internet, and do not want to change their vote, do not need to take any further action. We’ll provide the following two minutes to allow voting to take place.

Now that everyone has had the opportunity to vote, I now declare the polls for the 2024 Annual Unitholder meeting closed. We have been informed by the Inspector of Election that the preliminary vote report shows that the nominees for election to the Board have been duly elected, and that RLB LLP has been reappointed as the Fund’s auditors.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Annual Meeting of Unitholders of Skyline Clean Energy Fund is now adjourned.

Forward Looking Disclaimer

The presentation is an overview of the operations and conditions for the year ended December 31, 2023 and should be read in conjunction with the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) and the Skyline Clean Energy Fund (“Skyline Clean Energy” or the “Fund”) audited consolidated financial statements. Certain statements in this presentation could be considered forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information is based on a number of assumptions and is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Fund’s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general and local economic and business conditions, the financial condition of tenants, our ability to refinance maturing debt, rental risks, including those associated with the ability to rent vacant suites, our ability to source and complete accretive acquisitions, and interest rates. The information in this presentation is based on information available to Management as of April 30, 2024, except where otherwise noted. Skyline Clean Energy Fund does not undertake to update any such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. In some instances, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of terms such as “may”, “should”, “expect”, “will”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “estimate”, “predict”, “potentially”, “starting”, “beginning”, “begun”, “moving”, “continue”, or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements in this presentation include, but are not limited to, statements related to acquisitions or dispositions, development activities, future maintenance expenditures, financing and the availability of financing, tenant incentives, and occupancy levels.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exempt market products. Please read the confidential offering documents before investing. The indicated rate of return is the annualized return including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and does not consider sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. There is no active market through which the securities may be sold, and redemption requests may be subject to monthly redemption limits. Exempt market products are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.